الفواصل الفعلية في سورة البقرة

Verbal Fawasil in Sorah Al- Baqarah


  • Maryam Akram PhD Arabic, Faculty of Arabic, Linguistics Department, IIU Islamabad
  • Dr. Aalia Akram Assistant Professor Faculty of Arabic, Linguistics Department, IIU Islamabad

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Qur’an، Sorah Al-Baqarah، Verbal Fawasil


Fwasil means the separator or breaker between something, it has two types: verbal Fawasil and nominal Fawasil, the Qur’anic Fawasil are the last of a verse and it is called a Fasila because it becomes a separator between the verse it ends with and the verse after it. The verbal Qur’anic Fawasil is a great and extreme importance in the miraculous nature of the Holy Qur’an, and what indicates its miraculousness and proves that it is at the highest level of eloquence, and indicates deep meanings. Linguists and rhetoricians, have spoken about Quranic interludes in their various books, and mentioned many aspects of it in terms of meaning, assonance, style, and content together.

Sorah Al- Baqarah is the largest sorah In Qur’an, It contains 286 verses and 6144 words. Sorah Al-Baqarah Contains 94 verbal Fawasil, the actual digit of verbal Fawasil is 95 but the one Fasila has repeated in verse no: 134 & verse no: 141, this article will describe the meaning of Qur’anic Fawasil & its Terminology, levels of Fasila, A list of the actual separations in Surah Al-Baqarah and Conclusion of the research.




كيفية الاقتباس

Maryam Akram, & Dr. Aalia Akram. (2024). الفواصل الفعلية في سورة البقرة: Verbal Fawasil in Sorah Al- Baqarah. AL-DURAR, 4(2). استرجع في من https://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/188



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