اسلام میں زنا اور اس کی سزاؤں کے طُرقِ تنفیذ کا ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An analytical study of adultery and its punishments in Islam


  • Altafur Rehman Research Scholar, Department of Usool ud din, University of Karachi
  • Dr. Ali ur rehman Ph.D. Arabic department, University of Peshawar / Snr Theology teacher, Elementary and Secondary Education deptt, kpk

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Islam، Punishment، adultery، Stoning، Hadd، code of life


Islam is a complete code of life, it is not only a collection of beliefs and a few acts of worship, but it also teaches about matters and punishments in case of committing other crimes. Allah Almighty has decreed. In the beginning of Islam, for committing adultery, it was ordered to keep the woman imprisoned in the house for life and to harass the man. But at the same time, it was stated that these punishments will last until Allah Almighty makes a way. It is obvious that "adultery" is the most severe sin among the major sins, and the perpetrators of this act are transgressors and transgressors according to Sharia, and if the crime is proved before the judge (by confession or witnesses), such persons But the enforcement of adultery is mandatory, if the adulterer is married, his punishment is "sing all", and if the woman is married out of wedlock, her punishment is "hundred lashes", but its implementation (and punishments) The authority of the Islamic government and the judiciary is the authority of the Islamic government and the judiciary, ordinary people do not have the authority of trial, investigation, demand of witnesses and the execution of punishment. The purpose of this punishment is to protect the purity of the Islamic society, the honor of every Muslim, And to preserve the purity of the soul and to protect the people of good lineage from the impurity of adultery.

The most severe punishment in Islamic punishments is stoning for heinous crimes such as adultery, which requires four witnesses if four male witnesses are not present or theirs. If there is a contradiction or contradiction in the testimony, the witnesses will not be able to avoid the punishment of "Haddi Qazf". This order of stoning to protect the corruption of the race and the protection of chastity is not only in the Islamic Shari'a, but it was prophesied before. This is a definitive command for the Prophets and their ummah as well, as it is such a broad chapter of the Islamic law that it is possible to prevent the crime of adultery in every age. Purpose of Punishment: (a) To the Islamic society: The publication of prostitution, the abuse of lineage, the impurity of society, the extremes of immorality and the disrespect of families.

(b) To eradicate a serious sin like fornication and its discussion from the Islamic society. But the punishment of stoning has been a target of people's criticism since the beginning; some bold people refused to recognize the Shariah status of the punishment of stoning and declared all those traditions as untenable. Arguments are made for capital punishment. The Mu'tazila and the Khawarij have denied this order from the beginning, and some scholars and Hadith deniers of the present era have also come up with an angle in the implementation of the "punishment of stoning" that because the modern mind is different from the culture. And under psychological factors, he feels alienated from the "punishment of the regime" and its implementation can cause psychological distance from the religion. Therefore, the implementation of the regime in the present era is against expediency. They also object. There is no explicit text in the Holy Quran that indicates the justification of stoning, therefore, these punishments are completely cruel and against human reason.




كيفية الاقتباس

Altafur Rehman, & Dr. Ali ur rehman. (2024). اسلام میں زنا اور اس کی سزاؤں کے طُرقِ تنفیذ کا ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: An analytical study of adultery and its punishments in Islam. AL-DURAR, 4(2). استرجع في من https://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/184



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