الرواية الجزائرية الحديثة وصورة الطفل فيها

Child Depiction in the Modern Algerian Novel


  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badshah Assistant Professor Arabic Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Dr. Arshad Mehmood Lecturer Arabic Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


Narrative Text, Fictional work, Human attitudes, Child’s Personality, Status of Algerian society


The novel is one of the most significant types of storytelling. Because of its focus on a number of artistic elements, one of the most prominent elements of storytelling is the element of character, as character has different types and multiple dimensions according to the narrative text, as it sheds light on the sufferings of life and human attitudes towards them in the phenomenon of human development that has occurred over the past two centuries.

As for the character, it is the focus of the fictional text and a basic pillar in the fictional work. It has different images, patterns, orientations, and colors. It may be in the form of a man, or it may be in the form of a woman. In this position, we will be concerned with the child’s personality. This personality is one of the most important components of human society because it links the future to the past and the situation, and all societies adhere to it. Before the advent of Islam, the child’s personality did not realize its true value and was subjected to harsh, bad treatment. However, the advent of Islam and its teachings changed the view of human society towards the child.

As for Arab society before and years after independence from various controls in general, and in Algerian society in particular, we find that the child and his personality have had his basic rights diminished, and he may have the most basic of them, especially in the last quarter of the last century, in which the prevailing black conflict between the authorities and the Islamists has emerged. Several studies and researches conducted that focused on the situation of children during that dark period In order to reveal the child's true status in Algerian society.




How to Cite

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badshah, & Dr. Arshad Mehmood. (2024). الرواية الجزائرية الحديثة وصورة الطفل فيها: Child Depiction in the Modern Algerian Novel. AL-DURAR, 4(2). Retrieved from https://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/198



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