الموسيقى الداخلية في شعر ابن نباتة السعدي

Internal Music in Ibn-e-Nabatah’s Poetry


  • Dr. Muhammad Nasir Mustafa Lecturer (Arabic) Department of Arabic Language &Literature, University of Sargodha, Sargodha


Fine art, sculpture, resemblance, resonate, manifestation, structure


Poetry is a fine art, just like photography, music, and sculpture. In most cases, it addresses emotion and arouses feelings and conscience. It is beautiful in the choice of its words and in the composition of its words, beautiful in the succession of its syllables, and its resemblance, such that they resonate and repeat, so the ears hear it as music and a regular tone, so poetry is a beautiful form of speech.Music is considered the most prominent manifestation of poetry. In reality, poetry is nothing but musical speech whose music excites souls and minds. This research seeks to study the musical structure in Al-Saadi’s poetry and to explore the effect of internal music in his poetry. This research consisted on the introduction, a summary of the life of the poet Ibn Nabata, Internal Music in Ibn Nabata’s poetry, the conclusion of the research, and an index of references and sources.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Nasir Mustafa. (2024). الموسيقى الداخلية في شعر ابن نباتة السعدي: Internal Music in Ibn-e-Nabatah’s Poetry. AL-DURAR, 4(2). Retrieved from https://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/194



Research Papers