اسماء القرآن کے متعلق مختلف اہل علم کے آراء کاتحقیقی جائزہ

A researched analysis of the views of different scholars about the Names of Quran


  • Sahib Ahmad Ph.D. Scholar Department of Islamic studies, Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar
  • Dr. Gul Zada Sherpaw Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Studies, Qurtaba University University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar


The names of Quran, Al-Quran, Al-Furqan, The Criterion, Al-kitab, Al-zikar, The Riminder, Al-Tanzeel, Asmaul-Quran


The Quran is the last revelation of Allah (SWT).Before this He has revealed The Torah, THE Zaboor (The Book of Psalms)and the Hundred Suhuf for the guidance of creatures. But one of the many other distinctive qualities of this book over other is that it has got many names. This abundance of the names of the book advocates sublimity. Allama Abdul-Maiali Azizi Bin Abdul –Malik-Al-Shafi and Allama Zar kashi hold the view that there are fifty five names of the Quran.

Imam Fakhruddin Al-Razi says that they are thirty two in numbers. However, Allama Aaloosi(RA)is of the view that actually the Quran has got only two names, the other names are “attributive names”.

According the Ibn-e-Attiya and Allama Zarqani (RA) the inherint names of the Quran are five. One of them is the “Al Quran” which means ‘to read’ or ‘to recite’.

As this book is the most recited or read one therefor it is best known as Al Quran. The second name, according to these scholars is Al-Furqan. Al-Furqan means “the Criterion of right and wrong”. As this holy book clearly sets the criterion for the truth and falsehood therefore it is called Al-Furqan.

The third name is Al-Kitab, Which means “Written One” or a “Letter”. As the book is in written form therefor it is called Al-Kitab. Similarly, the forth name is Al-Zikar. Zikar means ‘reminder’ since this venerable book reminds the humanity it’s past and future therefore it is called Al-Zikar. The last name is “Al-Tanzeel” which means a revealed one. Since it has been revealed in several different phases therefore it is dubbed as “Al-Tanzeel”.




How to Cite

Sahib Ahmad, & Dr. Gul Zada Sherpaw. (2024). اسماء القرآن کے متعلق مختلف اہل علم کے آراء کاتحقیقی جائزہ : A researched analysis of the views of different scholars about the Names of Quran. AL-DURAR, 4(2). Retrieved from https://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/183



Research Papers